Monday, March 24, 2008

Bella Bunny's Easter 2008

Bella's nickname is "Bunny", and yeah, she even answers to it. So, being Easter and all, she was thrilled to see and hear her "name" all over the place. The stores, the television, etc...every time she heard the word "bunny" she perked cutie!

We had a low key day, at home, realizing she doesn't really "get it" just, rather than deal with the swells of people and kids at the commercial Bunny gatherings, we stayed home. We cleaned the center courtyard of our home, hid the eggs and let her loose. She had a great time.

We hope you all had a wonderful day and wish you the absolute best! We know we have it in our little Bunny! Enjoy the pics and the vid, we had a GREAT day!

P.S. I promise this vid is nowhere near as long as the last one :-)

Friday, March 21, 2008


In addition to "reading", Bella loves to run...explore...get away and in general, to be free! We let her run around the house, outside near the house, and in the park...Rather than play with anything, she just wants to run!

So, made a video, albeit a rather long one...but a few highlights of her freedom ways!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Reading is Fun (duh) Mental

Bella loves it when Papa reads to her...she sits in his lap, listening intently as Papa reads, turns the pages and stares into the book. It is one of those times where you just wanna go..."Awww"

Well, our little one has taken it a little further...she likes to read on her own. That's right! She grabs one of her favorite books, usually near her play pen (affectionately called the "pigpen"...sits down, puts the book in her lap, turns the pages and "reads."

Not quite sure what she is saying when she has the book in her face, (she does actually say real words when not reading) perhaps a language all her own...but damn, it is certainly one of the cutest things I've ever seen any child do...and she can do it for hours....She is gonna be one smart cookie...or, rather, she already is.

and...Awww, the break I get :-)!

Here is a vid of Bella "reading" may need to turn up the volume to hear her! (re-edited on Saturday, for fun)



Papa Birth-Day!

Yup, Papa had a birthday, and the little one got in on all the action. Of Course!

It all started on Wednesday, the 12th, at 6:30AM. Papa received a special call from Cousin Niecey, wishing him a happy birthday. I was shocked she was up so early, as she is on the West Coast...but she had a meeting that day, early. Therefore, for she was the first to wish Papa a happy B-day...even before ME! I hadn't even woken up yet...which is odd for me, usually up at 5:30AM...her call that AM did the job...I was awake!

Anyway, after a long day at work, Papa came home to a home cooked meal of Tuna Steak (ICKY, I despise fish - but made it for him...ya know, cuz I care:-) Also, I had ordered one of his favorites, an Italian Rum Cake...we both love anything Italian! In addition to the cake, which was from an actual Italian Bakery I found a few years back, Papa had more of his favorites; Italian Cookies. Papa doesn't eat much in the way of sweets, but boy, oh boy, watch him eat Italian pastries...!!!

After dinner, we had cake....Poor little one could not have any, not yet, as it was sprinkled with almond shavings...oh well...she had fun, and plenty of sweets herself!

In the pic, Bella is helping Daddy sing Happy Birthday to Papa! Although, her version is a little less wordy! More like...AAAAAA, OOOOOOO, EEEEEEH! Heh! Even the Dogs, Spago and Scuzi like to sing...will have to get that one video someday soon...truly amazing thing to experience!

More to come soon!


Monday, March 10, 2008

Papparazzi Go Away!

Yup, even little Superstars get camera shy! We take the little one to lunch most weekends. We usually try to experience a different place each time. Bella truly enjoys the outings!

Recently, My Big Fat Greek Restaurant was the lucky recipient of Bella's charms! We had a young, very lovely server, who exclaimed she was 'like Bella', 2 Mom' cool is that?

Anyway, Bella decided she wanted to be cute...but not on cam...and in case you were wondering, her shirt says: "It's not easy being pretty"...HA!


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