Friday, May 1, 2009

Foot In Mouth Friday well as a shout out to my very cool friends over at DAD-BLOGS.

Every Friday, as many of you know, we share blogs, ideas and cool camaraderie.

Last Friday, I put out a call to our blogger buddies to submit questions for the little Superstar for an interview to be presented this Friday. (A cool idea, I thought, at the time).
Making a long story very short...Daddy dropped the ball. I do, however, have what I would consider a good reason...FOOD POISONING! (Gawd, I thought I was gonna be on the news, for Swine Flu!)

Being a stay at home parent, we get to experience so many things in the wonderful little worlds of our children. BUT, and it is a BIG but...(pun intended), sometimes...well, ya just get sick. And when you do, and those of you who are stay at home parents know, you just don't function well....
You are supposed to one can do it are THE one who holds everything together...(or rather, you like to think so) but damn, you just wanna crawl under a rock and die....

Imagine, your tummy feels a bit odd...u eat lunch, but it just doesn't seem to settle...the little one goes down for a decide to lay down too...(we have all heard, when the little one naps, you do too).

We have a two story home, therefore, we have used a monitor in our little one's bedroom since birth...and I cant tell you how amazing it has been to have that monitor...watching, (staring) at the little one sleeping, moving about...and just being a cool alarm clock...for when she wakes.

BUT, (there is that big ole but again)...this particular day, I wanted to pitch it. throw it out the window...(off the second floor)...smash it...burn it....donate it to the local convenience store for surveillance....

She wakes! I spew! Simple as that....? NOPE! It was horrendous....I barely made it to the kitchen sink...(I know what you are thinking...KITCHEN SINK? Hey, it has a disposal...and frankly, lucky I made it anywhere at all...)! Without going into particulars, let's just say my lunch included bits of bell, green, yellow...and at that point, no digestion had taken place...IT HURT!

At this point, the little one wants out of bed...NOW. I can' hurts, I am is two stories up...and it would have felt like a hike up a mountain at that point....

So, Daddy, who does it all, who prides himself on taking care of everyone else, regardless...had to break down, call the other half...and in a whimper..."Please can you come home and get the little one out of bed...I am Spewing."

Better now, after a few days, but, the Interview is not will me...and it will be fun...but for now...I need to wallow in my self pity for a bit....(at least I ain't wallowing in Spew)

Go ahead, take advantage of my last weeks post...send your comments and questions...I will add and have a fun fun fun video next week.

Make sure and click on the blogs of those who have submitted, as well as heading over to my friends at

P.S. after the spew had died down, I had to blow my nose...YUP, bell the nose...NOT PRETTY!

17 BellaBuddies left comments! Ya know ya wanna!!:

Andrew's Daddies said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better. I, like you, don't like to ask for help, but sometimes, you gotta give in...

Lauren said...

Oh gross.

and i just ate lunch.

Glad you're feeling better though.

Steven said...

Gee, thanks a bunch! I was eating lunch when I opened my google reader and read this. ;)

My partner just got over a stomach thing too. My son and I have been avoiding him.

Unknown said...

OK even by the somewhat disgusting standards babies set for themselves, that was, um...gross!

WeaselMomma said...

I hope you are feeling better. All of us stay at home types have had to make that phone call at one time or another. There's no shame in that.

New-Dad-Blog said...

Hope you're feeling better buddy. I had salmanilla in college and I wouldn't wish food poisioning on my worst enemy.

Un-Hawthorne-ed said...

If you're gonna spew, spew in this...or any receptacle for that matter. Better than cleaning it our of the carpet.
Hope you are feeling better.

ShankRabbit said...

Eeeeeewww. I'm so glad you are feeling better then you were. It sucks to have to suck up pride and call it in... but I'm glad you did.

SurprisedMom said...

After talking to WeaselMomma, I decided to stop by your blog. It was a heck of an introduction. I feel so sorry for you. I had food poisoning a few years ago and remember every detail. Death almost seems better when you're in the worst of it. I'm glad you are feeling better. As far as the phone call, we've all made it at one time or another. Isn't it wonderful we have someone to call?

Super Mega Dad said...

I SO hear ya, bud. Both my wife and I are sick right now, but the kids STILL need to be fed and taken care of. Guess I better get out of bed and do some child rearing! :)

KWG said...

Dear God I'm glad you're feeling better. I can't imagine (yet) being sick when Mama's not home and Bea is calling out for me. Yikes.

Pam said...

now that was just gross! lol i'm glad to hear you are better. nothing worse when you get sick and you still have to get up & take of everything despite feeling you just want to crawl under a rock & die. i've never had the luxury of calling anyone to come take care the kids. damn it. what's wrong w that picture? lol

Joel said...

Oh, man! So sorry to hear about your "heaving". We've been very fortunate in the 15 months that the wife has been at home full time with our son, We've only had one illness bad enough to cause me to take a day off to stay with them.

Of course, if it had been me at home with Kiddo, I'm sure I would have had four or five such days by now. The wife is much more able to soldier on through sickness and adversity. I'm a big wimp.

Great post, and thanks for the link. I've got your blog in my sidebar as well!

Jason said...

Now, man, that was just a whole bunch of unnecessary nasty LOL. I'm glad you're feeling better and hope that I don't have to make that call anytime soon.

Out-Numbered said...

First of all. Good things come to those who wait. Second of all I got food poisoning 2 years ago when I was on Weight Watcher. I had it for 2 weeks and lost 10 pounds. Jackpot! When life hands you lemons, or in this particular case ecoli, you try and make some lemonade. Be well!

Steely Dad said...

Sweet site of a fellow SAHD! Thanks for stopping by Steely Dad. Loved your comment. I responded to it so feel free to check it out when you have the chance (perhaps between spews?).

The interview is an AWESOME idea! It would be cool if a bunch of dads did that with their kids. It would be hilarious!

I know how you feel. I, too, pride myself on never having to ask for help with the kids but when my wife was in the hospital with massive migraines, I couldn't be at two places at the same time and the hospital is no place for kids. I actually had to call a neighbor who watched the kids for a couple of hours. But my wife was so sick for so long that I called my Mommy to come stay with us...for THREE weeks! I was spoiled. That's when I started my blog. It's amazing what you can do with a little help. Hope to see you again and often!

The Mausbach Family said...

David, it was great meeting you and Vince last weekend. Bella is a real sweetie!
Your Blog is amazing by the way :)
Hope to see, or talk, to you soon!

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