Friday, January 15, 2010


Happy Birthday Blog!

And who can is TGIF..sooo:


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Fatherhood Friday at Dad Blogs

WOW, 2 years! Kinda crazy that we have had this little blog for so long...or rather, it doesn't feel even remotely close to 2 years.

I remember being so excited to start the blog, JANUARY 08 to keep in touch with family and friends. And now, now, it has grown to so much more. As of this posting, we have had over 6000 hits (since Feb 27, 2008 when I started tracking it)...and 64 "followers". Straight, Gay, Single Parents, Nuclear Families, Intended Parents, Adopted, Surrogacy Birth, Legal Guardianship...Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Spiritual, Atheist...all races, creeds and colors. You name it, you are all here. So Cool. So many people that I have never met, probably never will. Yet, here they are...friends...interested in our life, our little one and the erratic ramblings of a sometimes crazed Daddy.

I have shared so much, yet, kept so much back....preferring to share the positive most times...and sometime the frustration...but hell...having a child, watching them grow, educating, playing, is all so new...yet now, so seemingly regimented...I feel like an old pro! All I ever wanted was to share our life in a document our littlest ones life a she can look back later in life, and kick me LOL...(Don't forget to backup your blogs!).

Most of my posts have been mundane, with a few exciting, emotional and there...but mainly, people have been so very positive and refreshing...and helpful their comments. There have been a few, that I have not posted (you now who you are)...and a few followers I have blocked...actually, only 3...but I felt they had no reason to follow a blog like, my choice, right? (Honestly, they were in countries that are known for hacking, pic stealing, no real reason to follow a blog about a kid)...Takes all kinds, I suppose.

You have watched our little one grow...rocked out with our vids, left comments and suggestions for her growth...and been truly inspirational! I feel like I could reach out and hug each and every one of you.

You have empathised, sympathised, agreed and agreed to disagree...all the while enriching our blog with you presence, enlightening, silly and otherwise intelligent comments. Encouraged us to grow, to live and to enjoy life with a little one! Since the beginning!

Now, we have followers all over USA and the World: The Netherlands, Britain, Ireland, South Africa, Canada, Malaysia, and more...I have to thank DAD-BLOGS specifically. Without them, we would not have met super Dad's & Mom's like JOE SCHATZ, (whose book is featured on our blog - go buy it) and PETE JANELLE who co-founded THE LEMONS who hold a very special place in our hearts, WEASELMOMMA who has such amazing insight, or SURPRISED MOM who dearly loves her family, TEACHER TOM who is the Peter Pan of Educators...DADDY FILES who tells it like it is, and encourages you to disagree (wink)...and PJ MULLEN, who drives a minivan, and is proud of name only a few. Ah, so many more! We have exploded...

(OK, not as much as our friend Jason over at OUT-NUMBERED- but for little ole works).

And now, two years later...a new blog design (take the poll to the right)...I could go on and on, about so many things, as many of you know, I like to talk....but, hopefully we can let the blog speak for itself...

Stay tuned for inevitable tweaks, skewers and do-overs, new posts, vids and pics, AND a little Bella Store!

More of the same, and loving it!


We are so grateful to have you along for the ride!

20 BellaBuddies left comments! Ya know ya wanna!!:

Phillip Gibb said...

Happy Birthday

Miranda said...

^5's you! Happy Birthday. Congrats for going all the way. I had started blogging in '04, sadly had to delete that blog... in hindsight, I wish I didn't, its a great way to look back. Life is a journey, and not always easy.

I love your blog, and lil Bella is gorgeous. Your stories, do give everyone hope.

Coming out is hard, but stories like yours seriously inspire. I hope that there will be no labels ever!

Keep on blogging!

2momswithaplan said...

Happy Blog Birthday! I have enjoyed reading your tales of daddyhood and I look forward to reading more in the coming years. :)

Ron said...

It's fun seeing your children grow up through the context of your blog. I forget sometimes until reading old posts.

Happy Birthday and here's to a great round of more posts in year 3.

Out-Numbered said...

I love you guys! We will hang one day for sure. I have to go now and clean up this mess. I just exploded again all over myself. xoxo

Otter Thomas said...

Happy Birthday. Two years is quite a feat. I like the new layout a lot.

Anonymous said...

OMG, I just love her! She's like a tiny little Lady GaGa with her costume changes! (That jacket's to die, by the way!)


Keith Wilcox said...

Happy Birthday! :-) I wasn't around the blogging world two years ago, but for the last 8 months you've been quite entertaining to follow. Wishing you all continued success!

Anonymous said...

Very nice, digging the new look. It's nice that you got your blog a birthday gift :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing - nice shot of you, Vince and Bella......


Lex Valentine said...

Happy Blogiversary! Been meaning to call you back, but I've been working loooooooong hours. :( Much love to you and the fam!

Teacher Tom said...

Happy birthday to you,
Now you are two,
The blog looks brand new
And it smells like it too. =)

Is there a new blog smell?

I know, still a little doughy. What fun to be part of your blog world!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I found your blog. I love the new look. Nice new family pic too.

Melisa Wells said...

Looks AWESOME!!!

Happy blogoversary!

surrogacy said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

WeaselMomma said...

Congrats on 2 years. Your family is so charming and Bella is so incredibly cute and sweet. Thank you for sharing it all with me through this blog.

Susan said...

Happy Birthday!!!

KWG said...

Congratulations and Happy Birthday! We love the Bella!

SurprisedMom said...

I love your blog and your little Bella. She's is adorable! I love the new look, too. Thanks for sharing your life and your Bella with us via your blog. It's like visiting an old friend sitting around the kitchen table with a cup of coffee and talking about the family. See you soon.

Mocha Dad said...

Congratulations o the blog. Keep up the good work. I like the new look.

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